3-4. juuni
Toitlutajad: Coffee4you / Food Ambulance Food Truck Estonia / FunFood / Sepa Kohvik / StopKran / Opium Lounge Tallinn / No Bar concept bar / Genika / Kohvik Hürrem / Kokteil Grupp / Kohvik Feliz / Santa Maria / Balbiino Reval Kondiiter / Lukemer / Biteme / Zoomburger (GER) / TAPS / Hawaii Davai Poke Bowls / Grilltastic / Bao Bar Estonia / Vakoli / Kolm pirukat / Shaurma Fusion / Van Foodie / GrillChill Food truck / The Dumpling Truck /GC Gastrobar / 2Ampsu / Beijing / Charlestons BBQ food truck / Aloha Bowl Foodtruck / The Rocket Street Gastro / GustameChurros / Ulvi’s break / Winemotion / Dešrainis24.lt / Krõbevahvel / Gayane OÜ / VirxGrill & Catering OÜ
Artistid: Noorte DJ-kool
Partnerid: Relax FM, Media Bros
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